Friday 1 August 2014

AuGust where did you spring from???

So here at TD H/Q what's occurrin'

Nothing you may well think and...... Alas to some degree this would be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!

The truth actually is school holidays and an over excitable 6 year old (who cant keep still) has seen TD juggling blind making, seat pad creations, cushions and bags to name a few items whilst simultaneously rescuing DUCKS and now BABY BIRD??

Never a dull moment in the countryside, whoever said Urban life was the rat race OBVIOUSLY hadn't resided in this green and pleasant land for any long periods of time.

On a heartening note amongst the jam making and pasties I have put into work MY FIRST label and that should be winging (no pun) its way to me within the next 2 weeks!.

Check back later for the first pic of the BBird - Not the prettiest it's fair to say, but the courage of an OX.